Thursday, December 12, 2013

21 Drawings

Here, is my final 21 drawings. I have applied numerous techniques in each and every peice. I have even tried doing one blindfolded.
 for this one i used a sandpaper circle, colored it with pastels, cut it into quarters and used pastel color for the background
 For this piece i used the pint, criss crossed the lines and put a layer of tracing paper over the top

 I used paints, pastels, and black chalk. i used glue and then ripped the page a bit to add more effect. this was a 10 minute process of non stop drawing
 I used various paint colors and tape. I dipped the paintbrush into the paint and flicked it onto the page to add a background.
 For this piece I used the paints and a lot of tracing paper folded around the edges.
 Again, I used a dull sandpaper  circle and created a sort of sun effect.
 For this one I burned the sides and created in the form of a flame and used wave-like stripes of blue and red paint to make violet.
 I used various paint colors and used the very tip of the paintbrush to create the deep red/ maroon color on the side.
 My class abstract drawing. I based this off of one of the balsa wood art pieces and used big puddles of paint and pastels.
 For this work I combined nearly all of the paint colors besides brown, black and white. I used the shape sponges to create the effects
 For this one I made 4 semicircles. With some semi-circular spaced and full lines. I used pastels around it to add a sort of ora of light coloring.
 For this work I mixed many colors of paint. i crushed the pastels and grinded them together and put tape over the top. This created sort of a flag-like form. With a slight pig's tail on the end
 I used only a single color. I chose orange because of eh fact that is my favorite color. I think its a nice color as well as the fact that it is unique because nothing rhymes with it. I used splashes of paint and pastels. Again I flicked the paint onto the paper. I also made drops onto the paper and tilted the paper to different sides and blew the paint different ways. I based this off of my bed from Gregor's room; as you may be able to see I started it from the little rectangle in the middle of the picture.
 My abstract drawing for 10 minutes
 I used 90% tape and pastels. It looked sort of like a boat at first.
 For this one I put tape and squares around the paper at first used all the pastel colors and then took the tape off at the end.
 I burned this paper. I crinkled it up, then soaked it in violet paint.
This is my blind drawing. I must have used blue and green paint and somehow made a tornado like figure with the white pastel
This was the tape and squares from one of my previous drawings. I made a black and white background and flicked white paint on the black background and vice versa. Then the colorful tape and squares I put over the top. It came out pretty good

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