Thursday, December 12, 2013

Notes on Metamorphosis

Focal Points:
Color: red, yellow--> sales paper, dirt color--> color of the room, lots of greys -- room and hospital across the street.

Testure: rough, grimy texture, smooth because of round beetle-like back and he couldnt hold on to things/ no real grip to get up
* Things h often thought of and how he said them were both "soft"
* Sandpaper/ bumpy road

His sister: Soft pastel colors: hard lines
* Shapes: round; rectangular shape

- Scale changed from big human-sized beetle
- As the story drags on I'm not sure if Gregor was getting bigger or smaller. but if you put it in that perspective it was like his world was getting smaller because he lived only in his room...Deteriorating
- He received bad food, bad treatment, being a burden,  impossible to try to be happy when you're in an environment that "sucks" basically so everything including Gregor's mental condition and physical condition just got much worse as the time went on.

symbol of  Gregor
* Nothing was comfortable
* realistic bug a

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